Bojurgle’s wireless blender whips up protein shakes and smoothies anywhere at just $31

New low $31.50
Bojurgle Portable Smoothie Blender

Portable wireless blenders have been a thing for a while now but we are just starting to see some of the bigger brands starting to jump into the product category. The thing is, as I’m sure you can imagine, the prices aren’t exactly economical for some folks and that’s where the Bojurgle Portable Smoothie Blender comes in. With more than capable portable battery power packed inside of a device small enough to carry in your gym bag or travel kit, it features a wireless design with USB-charging when needed, and you can even drink right out of it via the spout-top lid. Best of all, it comes in at a price well under some of the well-known brands we have featured around here and is now even less expensive as part of a spring sale promotion. Head below for more details. 

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